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  3. IICF Southeast 12 Months of Giving Fill the Truck Campaign
  • IICF Southeast 12 Months of Giving Fill the Truck Campaign logo
  • November will benefit Hope's Food Pantry to provide support through local organizations addressing food insecurity

     We are working with Hope's Food Pantry, which serves the greater region of Orlando Florida, to provide non-perishable food, toiletry items, diapers for our youngest community members, and other desperately needed supplies in the days and weeks to come.

    You can send items directly to Hope's Food Pantry to be distributed in the local Florida community here:

    Amazon Wish List

    Or make a donation through IICF by clicking the Donate button on the right hand side. 


    Why Support the IICF Fill the Truck Initiative?

    • As a result of the pandemic, more than 50 million people experienced food insecurity in 2020
    • Highest levels in rise of hunger is amongst families with young children
    • 28% of households with children have experienced food insecurity over the last year- more than 14 million children affected


    Call to Action:

    • IICF Champions in participating cities will coordinate and setup truck(s) in designated areas/office parking lots during their assigned food drive month
    • Champions and industry leaders will encourage their industry peers and community to “fill the truck” by dropping off in-kind items or making a donation online to support the effort
    • Each city will be assigned a month to organize and host their food drive



    Top three “winning” cities that provide the most food/donations will receive an additional monetary donation to their nonprofit organization partners championing hunger

    Participating Cities

    Atlanta • Austin • Baton Rouge/New Orleans • Charlotte • Dallas/Fort Worth • Houston • Oklahoma City • Orlando/Tampa • Nashville • San Antonio • West Texas


    Donations will be accepted throughout the entire year. When making your monetary donation, through our website, please select which city you’d like your funds to benefit during the check-out process.


    February: Dallas/Fort Worth

    • Completed on February 26th
    • Donated 2,527 pounds of food to Minnie's Food Pantry
    • Total Dollars Raised: $4,735

    March: Houston

    • Completed on March 26th
    • Donated 3,804 pounds of food to the Christian Community Service Center
    • Total Dollars Raised: $1,889

    April: Atlanta

    • Completed on April 22nd
    • Donated 8,433 pounds of food to the Atlanta Community Food Bank

    May: Austin

    • Completed on May 21st
    • Donated 2,094 pounds of food to the Central Texas Food Bank totaling 2,545 meals

    June: San Antonio

    • Completed on June 24th donating 1,250 pounds to the San Antonio Food Bank

    July: Break

    August: West Texas

    • Completed on August 26th supporting Buckner Family Children's Center

    September: Baton Rouge/New Orleans in support of those impacted by Hurricane Ida

    October: Nashville

    November 11th: Orlando & Charlotte, NC

    December: Oklahoma

    Join us as we continue to bring together the collective strengths of the insurance industry and make an impact in our local communities!

    For more information on the IICF Southeast 12 Months of Giving, please contact Sarah Conway at sconway@iicf.com

  • $24,783

Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation logo
In Support of Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation

The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) is a unique nonprofit that unites the collective strengths of the insurance industry to help communities and enrich lives through grants, volunteer service and leadership. Established in 1994, IICF has served as the philanthropic voice and foundation of the insurance industry for more than thirty years, contributing $50 million in community grants along with over 355,000 volunteer hours by more than 130,000 industry professionals. IICF reinvests locally where funds are raised, serving hundreds of charities and nonprofit organizations, for maximum community impact.

IICF is a registered nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Learn more at www.iicf.org or follow us on social media at: LinkedIn and Instagram