Dallas Brokers Club would like to cordially invite you to be a sponsor for the 6th annual Dallas Brokers Club Golf Invitational. We are proud to again partner with the Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) Southeast Division in its mission to help our local communities and enrich lives through grants, volunteer service and leadership. All funds raised will benefit the local IICF Southeast Community Grants program which support organizations who champion at-risk children, education and veteran causes.Location: Cowboys Golf Club
Address: 1600 Fairway Drive, Grapevine, Texas 76051
Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Time: 1:30 Shotgun Start
(Lunch will be served prior to the start, Dinner & awards presentation will start after the tournament)
*Please Note: The 2020 Dallas Brokers Club Golf Tournament has been postponed at this time in accordance with governmental and health agency recommendations. We will be sharing an update on this and other events in the Southeast Division as soon as possible. Please contact David Gross with questions at davidgross@burns-wilcox.com. IICF thanks you for your ongoing support as we navigate this unprecedented situation. #insurancegivesback
Location / Venue
- Add to Calendar
- Address:
- 1600 Fairway Drive
- Grapevine, TX 76051
- Time:
- May 13, 2020 1:00pm - 6:30pm

In Support of Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) is a unique nonprofit that unites the collective strengths of the insurance industry to help communities and enrich lives through grants, volunteer service and leadership. Established in 1994, IICF has served as the philanthropic voice and foundation of the insurance industry for more than thirty years, contributing $50 million in community grants along with over 355,000 volunteer hours by more than 130,000 industry professionals. IICF reinvests locally where funds are raised, serving hundreds of charities and nonprofit organizations, for maximum community impact.
IICF is a registered nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Learn more at www.iicf.org or follow us on social media at: LinkedIn and Instagram