*Please Note: The 2nd Annual Houston Associate Board Casino NIght has been cancelled at this time as we remain committed to the health and well-being of our sponsors and our communities. Please contact Sarah Conway with questions at sconway@iicf.com. IICF thanks you for your ongoing support as we navigate this unprecedented situation. #insurancegivesback
The evening will include networking, heavy appetizers and drinks, fantastic raffle prizes, free play casino tables and a competitive poker tournament.
All funds even more critical to our nonprofit partners this year and we appreciate the ongoing support and dedication of our industry sponsors. We are happy to work with your company on customizing any of our sponsorship opportunities to best fit your priorities and make this event extra special.
If you wish to be invoiced for your sponsorship, please click here and download our sponsor form. All completed sponsor forms must be emailed to Tiffany Ross at tross@iicf.com.
Location / Venue
- Add to Calendar
- Address:
- 2000 Lyons Avenue
- Houston, TX 77020
- Time:
- Oct 06, 2020 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Presenting Sponsor
Wine Sponsor
High Roller
Bar Sponsor
Table Sponsor
Imperial PFS
Game Sponsor
Food & Drink Sponsor

In Support of Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation (IICF) is a unique nonprofit that unites the collective strengths of the insurance industry to help communities and enrich lives through grants, volunteer service and leadership. Established in 1994, IICF has served as the philanthropic voice and foundation of the insurance industry for more than thirty years, contributing $50 million in community grants along with over 355,000 volunteer hours by more than 130,000 industry professionals. IICF reinvests locally where funds are raised, serving hundreds of charities and nonprofit organizations, for maximum community impact.
IICF is a registered nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Learn more at www.iicf.org or follow us on social media at: LinkedIn and Instagram