It's been a while since we have seen each other!
The IICF Northeast Associate Board invites you to gather in-person at Stout Penn Station for a drink after work and a holiday goods drive.
WomenRising, the local nonprofit selected as the board's grantee, works to support women and their families throughout Hudson County, New Jersey. The organization assists women and their families to achieve self-sufficiency and live safe, productive, and fulfilling lives, through social services, economic development, and advocacy services. Their clients are in need - in need of jobs, safety from domestic violence, freedom from homelessness, safe lives for children.
Help IICF give back by contributing to the Amazon Wishlist.
WomenRising needs help with Thanksgiving this year. Help the Associate Board raise $5,000 in giftcards or cold weather items. Even if you are unable to attend, please consider giving through the wishlist!